Fighting Words NI is a charity and company registered at the following address: Charity Registration No: NIC105751 Company No: NI638582 |
Policy Statement
As a Board and staff team, we are passionate about playing our part in reducing negative impact of human life on the environment. We also know that writers have the power to influence major social changes. We want to give young people in Northern Ireland the opportunities, skills and platforms to use the power of their words and voices to influence positive environmental change for their futures. Young people bear the least responsibility for climate change but are growing up knowing that they will be the ones who have to step up and fix it. This is an immensely daunting challenge and a heavy burden for them to bear. Having a creative outlet that can help young people articulate both the challenge and the opportunities will be empowering and, we hope, inspire large swathes of the population in Northern Ireland to initiate change.
As an organisation we are on a path to growth. With that, historically, has come greater environmental impact. We want to plan and deliver growth in our operations based on the on-going evaluation of robust data about our environmental impact in order to mitigate as far as we can, any associated increase in environmental impact. As a charity, financial sustainability is paramount. Therefore, we must take into account saving and managing costs to ensure business resilience.
Our environmental ambition
- We want to deliver our services to children and young people with as little impact on the environment as possible
- We want to mitigate as far as possible the negative impact of our activities on the environment
- We want to amplify the concerns and priorities of the young people we work with, to raise awareness of, campaign for, and take direct, positive, practical action on environmental issues.
Policy Aims & Objectives
Fighting Words NI aims to:
- Be considered an example of good practice for the delivery of sustainability in the arts sector
- Strive to exceed environmental legislation and regulations relating to its activities.
- Promote sustainability to all stakeholders, including volunteers, staff, suppliers and visitors.
- Achieve measurable reductions in the carbon emissions within its locations
- Respond to and amplify the priorities of children and young people around issues of the climate and environment, through creative programmes that speak to their concerns.
“Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development
This Policy applies to all employees permanent or temporary of Fighting Words NI and includes any agency, or visiting professionals employed to provide services on their behalf.
Legal requirements
To comply with legal requirements at a minimum.
Fighting Words NI will deliver the aims and objectives of the Policy through the following key areas:
Environmental and Sustainability Management:
- Communicate and promote environmental and sustainability procedures, regulations and initiatives at staff and volunteer inductions and training sessions
- Set achievable and measurable targets with timeframes
- aim one bag of landfill rubbish per two weeks max by January 2024
- monitor consumption, waste and recycling
- recording water/electicity usage reports
- paper usage
- record bin emptying
- Encourage and facilitate feedback and suggestions from stakeholders to improve good practice and communicate via team meetings and internal communications
- Exchange best practice with industry experts, partners and other organisations
- Integrate environmental and sustainability principles into Fighting Words NI operational procedures and decision-making processes
- Encourage inclusion of environmental and sustainability issues in programme delivery
- Actively promote sustainable operations with participants, volunteers and staff and amongst our partners and supplier.
Carbon Management:
• Develop a Carbon Management Plan setting clear targets for carbon reduction, identify initiatives to achieve the target and key stakeholders responsible for delivery.
• Implement working practices to ensure the efficient use of energy at all Fighting Words NI managed venues.
• Incorporate low carbon technology and renewable energy systems in building projects and equipment procurement
• Improve the energy efficiency of existing buildings where we are able.
- Use energy saving lighting and heating where possible and use kitchen/back room lighting and energy minimally.
Waste Management:
• Minimise waste and reduce consumption through efficient operational use of assets.
• Minimise the environmental impact of waste through appropriate re-use and recycling.
• Measure and monitor waste.
• Develop working practices to reduce waste and prevent pollution.
• Manage clean, ground, and waste water efficiently including recovery and recycling opportunities.
• Encourage sustainable procurement, encouraging where practical the use of products, services and suppliers which cause least harm to the environment.
• Purchase items and services that are environmentally friendly and affordable.
• Promote a lifecycle approach to the procurement of goods and services: where and how manufactured, how it's powered, how it's disposed of..
Transport and travel:
• Minimise carbon emissions through effective energy and transport management
• Encourage sustainable transport practices across all activities
• Encourage the use of public transport, walking, cycling and vehicle sharing amongst staff and volunteers; provide participants travelling to our premises with sustainable travel alternatives.
Organisational Responsibilities
The Environmental and Sustainability Policy will be monitored by the Director and General Manager of Fighting Words NI and reviewed every three years by the Board of Trustees.
Contact: Emma Gibb
Equal Opportunities Statement
This Policy and Procedure has been assessed against the nine protected characteristics outlined in the Equality Act 2010 and no apparent disadvantage to equal opportunities has been determined. If you have any comments or suggestions in relation to equal opportunities of this Policy and Procedure please contact the Policy holder.